Farm & Ranch Program
Clarksburg, Fairmont, Morgantown
Farming is so much more than a commercial operation, it is a way of life.
The farm and ranch industry is like no other. Farming is so much more than a commercial operation, it is a way of life. We offer extensive insurance coverage options for today's farm and ranch owners.

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Please note: coverage cannot be bound or altered online. A service representative will need to contact you to finalize your request.
What You Need to Know About Farm & Ranch Program
What Does Farm Insurance Cover?
- Farm & Personal Liability
- Commercial General Liability
- Farm Dwellings: primary dwellings, high value homes, employee housing & rental dwellings, and scheduled personal property
- Farm Property & Equipment: scheduled & unscheduled, and equipment break-down
- Farm Auto
- Animal Mortality including equine mortality
- Liquor Liability for wineries
- Umbrella
- Farm & Ag Pollution
- Workers Compensation
- Employee Practices Liability
- Seedmen’s E & O
- Crops in Storage
- Transportation Cargo
Agribusiness Insurance Coverage for Your Needs
We strive to understand the unique needs of the agribusiness industry. We provide local crop and farm insurance solutions for industries including (but not limited to):
- Crop Owners
- Dairy Farmers
- Orchard and Vineyard Owners
- Retail and Wholesale Fruit/Grocery Markets
Our experience with the exposures and trends with the agribusiness industry is based on years of industry relationships and risk management experience.
Whole Farm
Uncertainty has always been a part of the business, but now there is a way to protect against unexpected yield and revenue losses. Whole farm revenue protection does just that.
Not only can it guarantee a crop's yield, it ensures your gross revenue. For example, let's say you had a strong growing season with great weather, but it's a volatile market and prices fluctuate. Whole farm revenue protection can help you recover up to 85% of your average gross revenue.
How Does Whole Farm Revenue Protection Work?
The program uses your last five years of taxes to determine your average potential revenue from all farm crop revenue. Then you decide what percentage of that revenue you want to have guaranteed. You can cover between 50-85% of your average revenue. Whole Farm revenue insurance protection is a program subsidized by the government and is only available through approved select insurance agents. Whether market volatility or mother nature, this critical coverage finally provides the stability you need for your farm.