Get to know

John Caldwell

Executive Vice President

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Contact John Caldwell

Contact John

(917) 671-6290 - Cell

(888) 230-0030 - Call

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About John

I have been in the insurance business for 20+ years. I have held various sales and management roles, with the common theme in serving clients. My career began working with large commercial clients in NYC and in 2019 we jumped at the opportunity to move to the Carolinas. So grateful we did! I joined Leavitt Elite in 2024 and am very excited for our future.

Personally, my wife Rachel and I have a son named Jack. We live in Cornelius and could not be happier. We enjoy lake life, golfing (well, I do anyway haha), exploring the outdoors and in this season watching/coaching our son play sports. We attend Life Fellowship church, and our faith is top priority.

I think a good attitude may be the single biggest factor in success in business and in life!

Please reach out!

Years of experience