
Client Service Timeline

According to a recent MarshBerry Sales Management Benchmark Report, fewer than 5% of brokers employ a formal, client-focused service delivery process. Less than half of those clients ever see the timeline's results.

We Don't Just Promise Services

Our proprietary service timeline program ensures performance. The real-time stewardship report is a customized, web-based service platform that is available 24/7. It dynamically illustrates how the client's timeframes and expectations are being met or exceeded by all of the parties involved. Key client and Leavitt Group contacts, plus additional outside resources, are integrated into a single service platform. Each service or action item is assigned, tracked, and key contacts are notified when tasks are begun or completed.

In addition, all ongoing services, those without specific target dates, are outlined in the Real-Time Stewardship Report as part of our standing commitment to service excellence.

The Result

  • You will receive quantifiable results from our efforts.
  • You will be able to monitor our progress on service agreements online, anytime.
  • You will receive email notifications when tasks are worked on or completed.

The success of our service agreement is measurable through our accountability metrics built into each client's service timeline. Each service timeline is interactive and tailored to individual client needs. We are accountable to you to deliver on our promises to your organization.