
Leavitt Risk Management Center

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Leavitt Group has partnered with Succeed Management Solutions and acquired a robust safety software platform that rivals any safety software on the market today. The Risk Management Center is a one-stop-shop solution which contains over nine applications that will assist our clients in developing and administering their safety programs.

Efficient, Cost-Effective, and Time-Saving Solutions

The Risk Management Center is right for any organization that wants to proactively manage their risk exposures and develop effective workplace safety programs to reduce claims, losses, and associated costs.

The goal of any risk management program is to reduce risks and injuries, while improving profitability.

The Risk Management Center enables employers to:

  • Meet OSHA hazard communication requirements
  • Access a best-practices safety library
  • Train employees efficiently and effectively
  • Build a behavior-based safety program
  • Manage certificates of insurance to limit liability
  • Create job descriptions and modified duty programs

More information about Leavitt Risk Management Center

Online Training Library »
Multitude of bilingual PowerPoint presentations, policies, and training shorts

HR & Benefits Database »
Resources and materials for all 50 states

Incident Tracking/Trending and Claims Reporting »
Trend incidents, report claims, print OSHA logs

Safety Data Sheet Management »
Be compliant with OSHA hazardous material standards and the new Globally Harmonized System

Certificate of Insurance Management »
Manage your COIs to control liability and risk

Behavior-Based Safety Programs »
Build behavior-based safety programs with job hazard analyses

Job Description Tracking »
Access a pre-loaded library of comprehensive job descriptions; create Modified Duty assignments

Employee Training Management »
Automate scheduling and reporting using our online training

Client Testimonial »
Jennifer Massey talks about how the Risk Management Center has helped her organization

Want to Join the Leavitt Risk Management Center?

Contact us today to see how the Leavitt Risk Management Center can help your business mitigate risk.

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