
Medical Malpractice Insurance

Take control of your insurance costs

With risk management and captive insurance options, you can pool resources, control your insurance costs, tailor plans to your unique needs, and achieve long-term savings.

Get your medical malpractice captive insurance proposal

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  • Confidential
  • No cost to you

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What is a captive?

A captive is a medium for taking risk.

It can be formed by a single company (a single-parent captive), or by multiple companies (a group captive).

Group captives can be made up of companies in the same industry or different industries, and allow small employers to act like large employers.

What is a group captive

How does a group captive work?

Imagine a shared bank account, where everyone puts money in and then some is taken out when a claim occurs. In good years, members will receive any unused funds back from the captive. In bad years, members will not receive funds back, but they know their costs will be capped at a maximum liability amount.

Risk is retained, shared, or transferred, depending on how unpredictable and costly it is.

  • Largest risks are transferred to the stop-loss insurer.
  • Medium risks are shared with other employers.
  • Smallest risks are retained (kept) by the employer.
Insurance Claims Chart

Why join a captive?

  • Cost savings
  • Stability and control over coverage
  • Customized risk management
  • Return of underwriting profits
  • Potential tax advantages
  • Greater transparency
  • Improved claims management
  • Enhanced investment opportunities
  • Access to reinsurance markets

What captive insurance coverage options do I have?

Captive insurance coverage can include many standard medical malpractice policies, such as:

  • Misdiagnosis
  • Surgical errors
  • Medication errors
  • Childbirth-related injuries
  • Anesthesia administration errors
  • Settlement costs
  • Punitive and compensatory damages
  • Attorney and court costs
  • Arbitration

It can provide other coverages not listed here and limits not available in the standard insurance market. These risks can include almost anything you can think of – you dream it, we’ll build it!

Cost comparison:
traditional insurance vs. group captive insurance

Traditional Insurance

You get insurance coverage, but any unused premium profits do NOT go back to you.

In traditional insurance, you pay a premium to your insurance company for coverage. Most of that premium goes towards operating costs, which may include shareholder distribution, brick and mortar locations, commercials, CEO, front insurance, and re-insurance. The remainder is invested and returned to the insurance carrier.

The rest of the premium goes towards paying claims. There is little risk to you because the insurance company is paying those claims. However, you have little to no control of claim decisions, and no ability to receive underwriting profit or investment income.

Group Captive Insurance

You get insurance coverage, and any unused premium and investment income comes back to your business.

Captive insurance allows you (the insured) to own an insurance company with like-minded companies and bring the underwriting profit and investment income back to your company. There are still operating costs, which may include front insurance, re-insurance, loss control, and claims administration, but the cost to cover these is often lower than in traditional insurance.

You have control of your insurance, stabilization and suppression of premiums, company ownership with the creation of a profit center, operational transparency, return of underwriting profit and investment income back to members, choice of legal representation, and ultimate control on claims. However – there is both risk and reward, as claims will be paid out of your premium.

What our members say

Your captive insurance team

Contact us with any questions.

Steve Hammond portrait

Steve Hammond

Director of Healthcare Practices

(801) 608-9916 · Call

Adam Frugoli portrait

Adam Frugoli

Awards, Adam

Risk Manager and Insurance Advisor

(208) 524-5858 · Call

Toni Van Ekelenburg portrait

Toni Van Ekelenburg

Sr. Account Executive & Broker

(801) 209-5955 · Call

Melanie Hinckley portrait

Melanie Hinckley

Account Executive

(208) 356-4411 · Call

Amanda Pelto portrait

Amanda Pelto

Commercial Account Executive

(307) 284-1795 · Call

Darrel Krajnik portrait

Darrel Krajnik

Loss Control Advisor

(208) 672-6167 · Call

Trever Turpin portrait

Trever Turpin

Risk Manager and Insurance Advisor

(208) 356-4411 · Call

Crystal Fenton portrait

Crystal Fenton

Commercial Account Manager

(208) 356-4411 · Call

Tom Green portrait

Tom Green

Claims Advocate

(801) 865-8521 · Call

Emilee Thomas portrait

Emilee Thomas

Team Coordinator

(986) 213-4940 · Call