
Get to know

Gary Archibald

CIC · Agency Co-Owner
Rexburg, ID

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Contact Gary Archibald

Contact Gary

(208) 356-4411 - Direct

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About Gary

I started my insurance career when I was 16 years old helping my father with office tasks. After returning from college, I began working in Rexburg, Idaho, focusing on large commercial businesses throughout Idaho and Utah.

After 50 years, I still have a passion for what I do and have built a solid reputation in risk management of municipalities, school districts, counties, and businesses.

Throughout my career I’ve been involved in many organizations, including Idaho President of Professional Insurance Agents, President of Rexburg Chamber of Commerce, President of BYU Idaho Alumni, Chairman of Envision Madison, and am a 30-year member of Madison Economic Partners. I was also awarded the first Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) designation in Idaho.

I enjoy spending time with my wife, Tricia, and helping in the community.

Gary 1
Gary 2

Years of experience


Languages Spoken

  • English
  • German

Neighborhoods Served

Southeast Idaho, Rexburg, and Logan, UT

Office details


135 West Main Street
Rexburg, ID 83440

Map · Office Staff

(208) 356-4411 - Gary's Direct

(866) 736-9096 - Gary's Fax

(208) 356-4411 - General Office

General Office Hours

Day Time
Mon 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tue 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wed 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thr 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Fri 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sat Closed
Sun Closed

This staff member's office hours may differ from the hours listed above.