
Get to know

Naomi Plumley

Director of Commercial Client Services
Boise, ID

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Contact Naomi Plumley

Contact Naomi

(208) 672-6146 - Direct

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About Naomi

The mantra I try to live by every day is, “Live life to the fullest, but be kind and care for others. Enjoy every minute of the day. If you have a bad day, look toward tomorrow.”

In 1980, I began my insurance career in Detroit, Michigan. Since then, I’ve worked in agencies of all sizes. I joined Leavitt Group of Boise in 2004 when they offered me the ability and freedom to work directly with clients and sell on my own, while still helping others around me advance in their careers. With Leavitt Group, I’ve had a career that I love — not just a job. It has been the perfect place for me. Currently, I assist our account managers by checking policies, auditing AMS, and reviewing endorsements for accuracy. I also work directly with underwriters. I am a Certified Insurance Service Representative (CISR), and a Certified Professional Insurance Woman (CPIW).

For me, insurance is all about the relationships. I strive to build a personal relationship with my clients, underwriters, and co-workers.

I grew up in Russellville, Arkansas, where my dad was the Pope County Sheriff for many years. I attended Arkansas Tech on a music scholarship for piano. I actually won my Paderewski Gold medal when I was 18 by playing in the National Auditions, sponsored by the National Guild of Piano Teachers. I met my husband while I attended a private college in Tennessee, and just recently, we celebrated 51 years of marriage. We have two children, eight grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren.

When I’m not working, I love to bake, garden, sew, read, go for long walks, ride bikes, play the piano, roller skate, and be with family. My husband and I love spending time with them so much that we go south during the winter and spend six months working remotely. While I love my family, I also love our community here in Boise. One of my favorite things is the fact that you can go anywhere in town and run into someone you know!

Naomi 1
Naomi 2

Years of experience


Office details


6220 North Discovery Way
Suite 100
Boise, ID 83713

Map · Office Staff

(208) 672-6146 - Naomi's Direct

(208) 375-9199 - General Office

(208) 658-1951 - General Office Fax

General Office Hours

Day Time
Mon 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tue 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wed 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thr 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Fri 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sat Closed
Sun Closed

This staff member's office hours may differ from the hours listed above.