
Get to know

Nickol Ogborn

Account Manager
Tremonton, UT

Nickol Ogborn Portrait

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Contact Nickol Ogborn

Contact Nickol

(435) 695-2300 - Direct

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About Nickol

Prior to joining the insurance industry, I was a certified nursing assistant for 15 years and did home health and hospice. I grew up in Garland, Utah, and graduated from Bear River High. I later attended BYU-Idaho and earned my certificate as an administration assistant.

I joined Leavitt Group because of the wonderful people. I love getting to know others and relate to them, so this has been a good fit.

I’m married with four kids—two boys and two girls. I love camping, kayaking, hiking, reading, traveling, sewing, and spending time with my family.

My favorite local restaurant is The Grille. Their ribs are fantastic! I love that we are a small community. I have the best neighbors who would do anything for me and my family. We also have great schools where everyone supports each other.

My favorite quote is, “Choose the mountains you want to climb wisely.”

Office details


216 East Main Street
Tremonton, UT 84337

Map · Office Staff

(435) 695-2300 ext 2318 - Nickol's Direct

(866) 353-2096 - Nickol's Fax

(435) 257-5320 - General Office

General Office Hours

Day Time
Mon 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Tue 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Wed 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Thr 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Fri 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Sat Closed
Sun Closed

This staff member's office hours may differ from the hours listed above.