About Griffin Owens

Our success is built on the philosophy of helping individuals and businesses in the communities where we work and live.

Our History

  • Step Sisters

    “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give” - Winston Churchill

    We support causes and organizations that are important to our employees through volunteer work and financial donations. Over the 35 years, we have been in business, we have had six staff members diagnosed with breast cancer and two lost their fight with the disease. This personal connection with the illness drives our staff and firm to support Breast Cancer Awareness any way we can.

  • Shaking hands

    Mergers & Acquisitions

    Griffin Owens acquired other agencies to grow our business and now has offices in Falls Church, Manassas, and Clinton, Maryland. Through these acquisitions, we are fortunate to maintain the outstanding staff of advisors and blend the firms to function as the Griffin Owens Insurance Group.

  • Agency Co-Owners Holding Award

    Serving the Community

    In 2004, Chris and Don were honored with the Corporate Service Award by Nationwide Insurance and recognized for their work with Vecinos Unidos, YMCA, Cornerstones, FISH (Friendly, Instant, Sympathetic, Help), and many others. During this decade, Chris got involved in Herndon advocacy and hosted the Herndon Ladies Brunch. Through this dynamic group of women, six members have gone on to be elected officials for both Herndon and the State of Virginia.


  • Local Awards

    Commitment to Community

    In 1990, Chris Griffin and Don Owens earned Nationwide Insurance’s highest award‚ for attaining excellence in helping their clients with both their insurance and financial needs. While attending the meeting, Chris & Don met other agents around the country who were not just running a business in their communities, but who were dedicating their lives to giving back to those communities. This inspired Chris and Don to give back to Herndon through volunteering and community service.

  • Historic Group Photo

    The Beginning

    In 1981, Chris Griffin and Don Owens partnered with Nationwide Insurance and created the Griffin Owens Insurance Group. Their mission to assist their local community, with business and personal insurance needs.

Leavitt Group's Story

Dixie Leavitt at desk, 1952

Dixie Leavitt, 1952

In 1952, Dixie Leavitt opened an insurance agency in Cedar City, Utah, with one company appointment and no clients. By the decade’s end, Dixie had thousands of clients throughout southwestern Utah and southern Nevada.

Dixie Leavitt and his brother Bert incorporated Leavitt Insurance Agency of Las Vegas in 1959. Dixie owned 60%, and Bert owned 40%. Using this 60-40 arrangement, Dixie and other co-owners invested in and created agencies.

Leavitt Producer School, Spring 2022

Spring 2022 Producer School Attendees

As the parent company grew, LGE provided member agencies with the multi-agency strength necessary to maintain insurer relationships, offered placement services, provided back-office support, and developed other group-wide services, such as E&O coverage.

Leavitt Group has seen tremendous growth over the years, which was fostered by sound agency operations, innovation, partnering with the right people, and following the Leavitt Group values.

Griffin Owens Insurance Group BBB Business Review